Telefone celular e tumor cerebral

Estudo mostra ausência de relação com uso de telefones celulares e o tumor cerebral chamado de meningioma

Foram estudados em cinco países europeus 1209 casos de tumores cerebrais do tipo meningiomas e 3299 casos de controle, sem tumor cerebral. Foi comparado o uso regular de telefones celulares (uso por 6 meses), a duração do uso, o número cumulativo de horas de uso e outros indicadores de uso do telefone, os resultados não mostraram qualquer associação entre uso do celular com a ocorrência do tumor cerebral.  Uma dor de cabeça a menos para quem usa telefone celular em excesso

International Journal of Epidemiology

Meningioma and Mobile Phone use – A Collaborative Case-Control Study in Five North European Countries

A Lahkola; T Salminen; J Raitanen; S Heinävaara; MJ Schoemaker; H Collatz Christensen; M Feychting; C Johansen; L Klæboe; S Lönn; AJ Swerdlow; T Tynes; A Auvinen

Use of mobile telephones has been suggested as a possible risk factor for intracranial tumours. To evaluate the effect of mobile phones on risk of meningioma, we carried out an international, collaborative case-control study of 1209 meningioma cases and 3299 population-based controls.

Methods: Population-based cases were identified, mostly from hospitals, and controls from national population registers and general practitioners’ patient lists. Detailed history of mobile phone use was obtained by personal interview. Regular mobile phone use (at least once a week for at least 6 months), duration of use, cumulative number and hours of use, and several other indicators of mobile phone use were assessed in relation to meningioma risk using conditional logistic regression with strata defined by age, sex, country and region.

Results: Risk of meningioma among regular users of mobile phones was apparently lower than among never or non-regular users (odds ratio, OR = 0.76, 95% confidence interval, CI 0.65, 0.89). The risk was not increased in relation to years since first use, lifetime years of use, cumulative hours of use or cumulative number of calls. The findings were similar regardless of telephone network type (analogue/digital), age or sex.

Conclusions: Our results do not provide support for an association between mobile phone use and risk of meningioma.

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