Artigo da Quinta-feira
Segundo artigo da série “Artigo da 5f”, relembrando de artigos publicados, neste, recordo de uma história interessante.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of migraine in medical students, as well as its clinical aspects and impact. All 595 medical students of Santa Casa School of Medicine of São Paulo, Brazil were asked if they had experienced any kind of headache in the past year. Those who responded positively were further investigated by an appropriate questionnaire. Diagnosis of migraine was based on the International Headache Society criteria of 1988. Forty percent of students suffered from some kind of headache; 40.2% of these headaches were migraine. The prevalence of migraine was 54.4% in women and 28.3% in men. Migraine headaches were unilateral in 24.2%, had a gradual onset in 69%, and were of a throbbing type in 88.3%. Migraine was considered incapacitating by 53.9% of students. Migraine with aura caused more disability than migraine without aura. Women experienced more intense migraine than men, and migraine with aura was especially more severe than migraine without aura. Photophobia, phonophobia, and nausea were more commonly encountered in migraine with aura. Despite the high prevalence, the high rate of disability, and the need for analgesic medication, only 7.1% of students with migraine had sought medical treatment.

Dr Wilson Sanvito dava aula sobre cefaleias para a XXVIII turma da Faculdade de Medicina da Santa Casa de São Paulo, perguntara quantos na sala tinham dores de cabeça e nos desafiou: “Vocês deveriam fazer uma pesquisa para saber a prevalência da enxaqueca nos alunos da faculdade”. O final da história está publicada neste artigo!

Até agora o artigo foi citado 34 vezes de acordo com a revista Headache.